Saturday - Sept 19, 2015
The VeganSoul Festival
The VeganSoul Fest was a success if gauging by the apparent numbers of people. I found it to be a nice size and just large enough to for me to visit each vendor and exhibit.
There were a good number of new vendors/exhibitors... I found the atmosphere and overall tone of the event to be rather lively, I guess as it should be when we are being called to celebrate life.
Though I have many good things to say about the even, my few critques are that it was lacking in substantial signage to let you know parts of the events, and where they were, were indoors; also I believe
a separation of the types of vendor/exhibitors would have resulted in more effective presentations - i.e. separating food vendors, from information vendors, from retail vendors. Hopefully, they will consider these factors next time.
Saturday - Oct 25, 2014
I attended the Vegan SoulFest today. By my estimates it was an outstanding success. Look for my write up on it later this week.
Saturday - Oct 25, 2014
Yeah, today we launched the DCNatural Blog... A milestone. I tell you I am excited at the way in which this site is developing.
Slowly but surely the vision is coming into fruition; even I am seeing more than imagined.
Later today I will visit the Vegan SoulFest; and, of course I look forward to writing something about it here.